A 6140

A 6140

Absolute rotor vibration monitor

  • Calculates absolute vibration by addition of signals from both channels
  • Measuring range: displacement (μm)
  • Suitable sensors:
    • Channel 1: PR642x + CON
    • Channel 2: PR 9268

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Catalog sheets
A 6500 - Mounting chassis
A 6110 - Relative rotor vibration monitor
A 6120 - Bearing vibration monitor for electrodynamic sensors
A 6125 - Bearing vibration monitor for piezo sensors
A 6140 - Absolute rotor vibration monitor
A 6210 - Thrust position monitor
A 6220 - Eccentricity monitor
A 6220/BD - Shaft bending monitor
A 6312 - Rotational speed and key pulse monitor
A 6410 - Shift monitor for inductive sensors
A 6620 - Process signal monitor
A 6630 - Temperature monitor
A 6510 Prediction module
A 6740 - Programmable relay card
A 6824 - Modbus interface

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